L: We hit up the Library! One place my children absolutely Love, is the Library! It is Lovely!
She moved. |
Books fun! |
M: Ronald McDonald came to the library, for a visit, and put on a Magic show. It was Magnificent! Daphne and Charly didn't want to watch, so instead played, but Oliver and Kenna Marveled in it's glory. :)

P: When Kenna got home today, the first words out of her mouth were "Can we go get my ears Pierced?"Say what?!?!?! Well, we decided we were going to do just that! In the Process, Daphne decided she also wanted to get her ears Pierced. Ok! I warned them of the Pinch of Pain that comes with it, but they were still super Pushy that they NEEDED this. :) So, off we went! They Picked out their earrings, and Poof...done! They did exceptionally well. I was quite Proud!! They Picked out other earrings, so they can change them when their 6 weeks was up! They couldn't wait to get a mirror, to see the finished Product! Then, the asked to get their Picture taken! They have told EVERYONE today of their excursion...the librarians. Ronald McDonald. The cashier. My friends. They couldn't contain themselves! Kenna got Elsa, and Daphne got rainbow flowers.
It was a glorious trip, with loads of fun! I'm so glad my kids had so much fun today!
He is in a trance! |
N: No Need to say No today! Taco Bell for lunch had the kids cheering! Some might say "Nasty!", but Not my children! They enjoyed every 'tasty' bite!
O: They also asked for Starbucks after the library! Obviously, this family loves Starbucks! Of course, I said YES!
It was a glorious trip, with loads of fun! I'm so glad my kids had so much fun today!