I clean, every morning, and before lunch time comes around, the house looks worse than it did that morning. So, I clean again before my husband gets home from work, and again, by the time he's home...it's a disaster. Now, I understand why people have that stereotypical image of stay at home mothers, sitting on the couch, eating bon bons & watch their 'stories'. It's hard being a SAHM...not physically...what my husband does for work is physically demanding. But, it's mentally draining!
These little humans are tough work! That said...I wouldn't change it for the world. When Charly was this age, I didn't have the luxury of staying home and watching her grow up. So, I'm definitely trying to enjoy it now. Plus, I get to see Charly every morning, and everyday after 3pm, when she gets outta school. Most of the time, it takes her all night to do her homework...she finds EVERY reason and even outrageous reasons to procrastinate. :) In all fairness, it's in her DNA...I do that too! LOL!
Ok, ok...back on track. So, I cleaned the house this morning. Put, the books back on the book shelves, put the movies back on their shelf, picked up toys, swept, vacuumed, etc...and LOOK what they did!
Within minutes of me leaving the room, Kenna got the dinosaur puzzle BACK out, and tore it up. And, then, Daphne threw the movies off the shelf, and she LOVES to chew on them. My husband says she's worse than a puppy! LOL!
So...back to cleaning I go. Happy Wednesday to everyone...ESPECIALLY to my sister, Laura, since it's her 30th birthday! Woot!!!!