Charly is a beautiful, smart and wonderful 7 year old. I love her so much. That said, she sometimes struggles in the friends department. She is a very reserved child, and sometimes has to warm up to people, before she will friend them. But, when she does, she goes all in!
My sweet Charly Reanna! |
Well, at the beginning of February, Charly was invited to a sleep over. She was so excited to get the invitation. When I opened it up, inside, there was a note, from the girl's mother. It basically said "My child is only inviting 4 girls, to attend this sleep over. We would love for your child to stay, but if she can't, please call immediately, so we can invite another child". Charly BEGGED me to let her go. I didn't know if it was a good idea. Not because it's something new, but because I didn't know if Charly would follow through. Earlier in the school year, she was invited to another little girl's birthday party (not a sleepover), and made her self sick at the thought of being dropped off at the party. So, she ended up not going. So, I told Charly "If I call her mother, and tell her you are going, I expect you to go". She promised me that she would. Swore up one side and down the other...she was so excited. So, I decided, what the heck, and I made the phone call to RSVP, yes. Well, the Saturday came, and still she was ecstatic! She couldn't wait to get there. The time finally came that it was time to go. She was packed and ready! Out the door we go. We get there, and Charly runs off with the other little girls, and I stayed a few (to let Charly get comfortable...but really didn't need to) minutes, to talk with the Mom. I let her know that Charly has never had a stayover (besides with my parents), so I didn't know if she'd stay. Well, boy did she prove me wrong. She had the best time ever!
And, since then, Charly has talked about this little girl non-stop. On her papers at home she writes "xxx is my best friend" or "xxx BFF!" I love it! On Monday, the little girl came to our house. They asked if they could do art stuff. Well, I had some finger paints and lots of paper, so I let them have at it, while Kenna was sleeping, and I was taking care of Daphne. Oh my gosh! Did they make a mess! LOL! Paint was everywhere! There was paper on the table, but the paint was so far over it, that half the table was painted purple and green. There was green paint on the floor where it had spilled, and then they walked in it. Most of the footprints were at the table, but then I could see them going to the kitchen sink, and then to the bathroom! LOL! So, I said "Alrighty, girls! You made a huge mess, so let's have a clean up moment, and you can play again, when we're done." They immediately started cleaning up! They did a fabulous job! Though, I really regret not having pictures of the mess! LOL! Charly cleaned the table (since she was the one that got paint on the table), and the little girl took the floor (since she was the one that got the paint on the floor). It was done in no time.
Then, I tell them, they need to clean up their hands. They get all cleaned up and I go into the bathroom! OH MY! There was a paint explosion in the bathroom! I mean, it was everywhere! The sink and mirror were covered, from them trying to wash their hands. Then, where they didn't get all the paint off, it got wiped onto the towel. And, then, from it being on their shoes, it was all over the floor. Charly said "Please tell me we don't have to clean the bathroom too!" hehe! No, I cleaned it. Thankfully the paint is washable, and it was cleaned up, again, in no time! And, really, though it was everywhere, it wasn't a big deal. And, the girls were having fun! But, I really, really should have gotten was hysterical!
So, back to Charly having a bestie...they called each other and talked on the phone last night. It was so cute hearing the conversation. They talked about everything, no matter how miniscule the detail, it was made known. :) I love hearing her talk on the phone. And, man, did they giggle like school girls...guess it's a good thing they are! That saying is there for a reason. :)
Then, tonight, Charly went over to her house after school! They had sloppy joes for dinner, and Charly informed me, when she got home, that she really liked them, and hopes we make them some night soon. :) And, she has been invited to stay at their house this weekend. I haven't told her yet, but I think I'm going to say yes. She'll be a VERY happy little Charly. :)
This little girl is a very nice little girl. I'm so happy that Charly is friends with a nice girl, instead of only having 'frienemies', as she puts it (you know friends one day, and not the next). YAY for Charly coming out of her shell, and embracing new things! Gosh, I love her so much!!