The last couple weeks have been crazy! Some good, some bad! I'm still sick, with sinus issues. It's been 80 degrees in March (for 4 days!). Sheesh! I'm loving the weather, but hating what it's doing to my sinuses! Anyhow, I promised the Kenna/Charly bean bag story. it is!
As you are well aware, Kenna discovered the zipper on Charly's bean bag chair. I hate that she's discovered it, because now, every time I turn around, she's in the beans! And, they are static-y and blow around with NO breeze.
Anyhow, Charly was home sick, on a Monday, and she was laying in Kenna's bean bag chair, in the toy room, watching television. The next thing I know, some beans are escaping the toy room, and I hear Charly yelling "Kenna!!! No!!!!" OMG! What is going on, if that many beans are in the hall!?!?!?! So, I rush in there to find Kenna dumping out beans! Ugh! Not again! So, I start to help clean them up, and Charly volunteers to help. We get busy scooping and dumping those stupid things back into their home. I told them they would lose the bean bag chairs if beans are going to constantly be dumped out. But, this did not phase the crazy 2 year old!
The hallway! O No! |
An hour later (about an hour before Charly's doctor's appointment), Kenna decides to try it again. This time; she succeeds! She dumped every single bean out of Charly's bean bag chair! EVERY SINGLE ONE! There was a mountain of looked like an avalanche in the toy room! Well, I didn't catch it right away because the girls were being quiet, playing in it! Then, I hear Charly say "Let's make snow angels!" Hearing that, I'm thinking 'O God! What did they do!?!?!?!' So, I run, no walking, into the toy room! There is an avalanche of beans. I can even see where it started as a mountain, and from them playing in them, it's been turned to an ocean of beans! They have them in their hair, up their legs, on their arms & backs. And, since Charly went to the kitchen and Kenna went into the office, there is a now a trial of beans! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!! (Two weeks later, and I'm still finding the random, roaming bean!) ARGH!! We have to leave for the doctor's office in about 30 minutes! I get the girls cleaned up, and shut the toy room door. I tell them we'll get them cleaned when we get back. Well...not an easy task, at all!!! By 630p, when hubby gets home, there are still beans EVERYWHERE! I'm so frustrated, I just wanna throw the dang chairs out!
More beans...what in the world is the toy room going to look like!?! |
OMG!!!! They are literally everywhere! |
This is after some cleanup! I hate beans! |
See them in Charly's hair, and up her legs! |
Busted!! They were making snow angels! |
Uh huh...innocent, huh?! Not go much! |
My husband, becomes my Prince Charming. He tells me to sit down and relax, and he'll get them cleaned up. Thank goodness!!!! So, my husband, instantly turns genius! He gets the bright idea to go get the mini shop vac we have, in the basement (I forget about this thing!), and he puts a plastic bag in it, and begins vacuuming up the beans. Then, he takes the bag, and dumps it into the bean bag chair! OMG!!! What a fabulous idea! And, after hours of fighting with the girls to clean them up (because they didn't wanna do it anymore), they are fighting with each other, on who can clean them up (they both wanted to vacuum!) It was amazing, how quickly he got it cleaned up, after hours of dealing with static, and little white beans! Next time, I know what to do. :)
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