Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kenna did it!!!

Well, my little Kenna, is sometimes a wild child, but I wouldn't change her craziness for any amount of money. She is who she is and I love it.
Crazy Kenna
Anyhow, her first word was Daddy. Then, Nana. But, sometimes she calls her Nana, Nanny, which is also cute. Then, she FINALLY mastered Mom, Mommy, Mama, and of course, Sissy and Charly. Now, at this point, she had a name to recognize everybody, except for my Dad. He is Pappy or Pap to Charly. Kenna would point at him and say Daddy. She was trying to say Pappy, we think, but it always came out Daddy.
I've been trying and trying to get her to say Pappy. If I would ask her who Pappy was, she'd point to my Dad, but she just couldn't get the hang of the P.
Well, yesterday, she was looking at a photo, that my parents had done with Charly, when they took her to the Northwest last year, and she pointed at everyone calling them out; Sissy, Nanny, and Daddy.
I pointed back and said "Sissy, Nana, and Pappy". Then, I was trying to get her to watch my lips and kept saying "puh, puh, puh, Pappy". Then, that little stinker started imitating me, without the sound. So, I said "Come on, you can do this. Puh, puh, puh, Pappy".
And, at long last, SHE DID IT! She said "puh, puh, Pappy!". She was so excited, that she started squealing. So, I clapped, and she did it again. Now, when she says it to me, it sounds more like Boppy, but I know she's talking about my Dad, and not my Husband. :)
She is also my Sweet Baby Kenna

What a big girl she's becoming! And, what a proud Mama I am!

You are a bunch of wild animals!

That's right, on Monday, we went to the Cincinnati Zoo! I was going to meet up with a couple of friends, and the girls were so excited. I watched the weather before we left, and it said it wasn't supposed to rain until 3pm. I was so happy because we're usually outta there by 2pm. So, off to the zoo we go, to be there at 10am. Well, we are late. Oops...still in Kentucky at 10am. Thankfully, we're almost there. Well, we turn on the street the parking lot is located on, and BOOM! Downpour! Are you freaking kidding me? The rain wasn't supposed to come until 3!!! I'm so close, I'm not turning around now. Rain or shine, we're going to the zoo!
So, we get there, and for about 15 minutes, we are sitting in the car, with rain just pouring around us. Kenna is now frustrated because we aren't moving and that means she wants out of the dang car, and now! Thankfully, it seems to be slowing down. So, I decide I can't handle anymore Kenna screams, and I'd rather get wet, than have to listen to it, so I get the stroller out of the car. Get Kenna buckled in it, and Charly out of the car. And, off we go. Suddenly, it stops raining. THANK GOD! But, we are all in tank tops and shorts, and it's just cold now! So much for being 80 by noon. Brrrr!
Well, a few minutes later, the rest of the group shows up. There are 4 moms, and one friend's uncle, and 11 kids. Phew! So, we're still at the entrance trying to figure out where we want to go, and the kiddos are all yelling where they wanna go, and what they wanna see... and we're off. Reptile House, here we come. Then, the rain starts again! ARGH! One mama didn't bring an umbrella, so her and her daughter decided to leave. Anyhow, we battle the sprinkles for the next hour, even though the kids don't seem to notice. They are just happy to be out and having fun with each other. After we see the red panda, everyone decides they are hungry. Thank goodness, that should get us out of the rain for a bit. So, inside we pile. LUNCH TIME!
 After lunch, we walk outside, and it's like a brand new day. The sun is shining. It's warm outside, and NO RAIN! Beautiful! So, we make the rest of the way through the park! We even hit up some things we don't normally see, like a walk through the Oriental Garden, with the Koi Fish. Note to self: Do not feed them popcorn next time. Huge Oops!

We finally finish with the elephants, and decide it's time to go home. Kenna is tired, and my feet hurt. We say our goodbyes to the friends, after some awesome pictures of the kids on the rhinos, and in the car we go.

Before we get to the interstate, Kenna is asleep. Before we get back to Kentucky, Charly is asleep. Gotta love wearing out the kids, after a day of fun! What a great day that was had by all, especially more fun after the rain went away, to come again another day.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Reader's Wonderland!

Sunday started off really wet and dreary. It had been raining for hours, when Charly finally woke up from a deep sleep, at 11am. Now we couldn't go to the park, like we had planned. So, while she's trying to wake up, she has a couple of waffles, for lunch.
Well, about that time, my litter terror monkey, I mean Kenna, was starting to get tired. So, I decided it was time for nap. I couldn't handle anymore of the howls, squeals and screams over absolutely nothing. Phew. She was asleep in minutes. Thank goodness. Charly really wanted to go do something.
Since we couldn't all go do something, with Miss Kenna was sleeping, Brian (my wonderful husband), decided it was time that he and Charly have some time together. So, they hopped in the car, and off to the library they went. Charly has never been to a real library, like it's own building with TONS of books, movies and other exciting new things. She has been to the tiny library at her elementary she had a basic understanding when they got there.
But, it was a whole new level of awesomeness to Miss Charly. Brian said she was in heaven. They walk in, and apply for their library cards. She even had to sign her card. Then, their off, searching for what to bring home. Brian said he had to talk Charly out of bringing home every single child's DVD they had.  Brian said that she enjoyed every minute of the experience; the signing up for a card, looking for books and movies she wanted to bring home, and even the checking out. While at the library, she almost completely read one of the books that she brought home. She also read it while in the car, on the way home. And, within 5 minutes of getting home, she had finished reading the book, and moved on to the next one. So, after almost 2 hours in the library, she came home with 4 books, and 2 DVDs, and 1 giant smile!

Charly at the library, with her very first library card!

A special thank you to my husband for taking her to the library, and snapping this picture of her!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vroom Vroom. Should I attempt this?

I talked to a good friend, Heather, on Thursday, and she told me that she was going to take her kids to see Cars 2. Well, Charly wanted to see this too. I told Heather, that we'd have to wait until it came to the cheap, second run, theater. Then, she proceeded to tell me about this theater, that played brand new movies, for $2 matinee, and $4 after 6pm. Okay, she now has my attention. Where is this awesome theater she speaks of?? She sends me a link to the theater.  BLANCHESTER, OH! Where in the world is Blanchester?
Well, it's about an hour from where I live in Kentucky. So, I get the calculator out and try to see if it would be worth the drive (gas) to take both girls there, or if it would be better to take just Charly to see it close to the house. Well, it was about the same, and Kenna would get to see it too. SO, we decide to go and meet her there. Woo Hoo! Charly is beyond excited. Kenna is just happy to be getting out of the house. The movie starts at 2p, so we need to be there by at least 130p, so we can get our tickets. So, we leave the house at 1235p. Woo Hoo! We can do this! Get on the road, thinking Kenna would fall asleep in the car, so we would be able to enjoy her first movie theater experience. NOPE. She's wide awake the entire trip. After sitting in some construction traffic for about 15 minutes, we finally get there at 145p. Okay, we still have time. We get the tickets (Heather bought them ahead of time, for us), and now we're in the popcorn & drink line. OMG! Could they be any slower?? They had one guy working the tickets and concession, and everytime he'd start a concession order, someone would walk in for tickets. It finally starts to slow down, and a second guy walks in. Thank goodness. Now, we get through this line of people wanting their popcorn. We up...large popcorn and sprite - $6.75. Not too bad...$12.75 for the entire new movie experience. Anyhow, would I do it again, even with the slow (at first) concession stand; You bet your hiney I would! Overall, it was a great experience!
So, we get the drink and popcorn. Charly grabs a booster seat for Kenna, and we're off to the small theater to find Heather. She's right in the middle...thankfully she saved us some seats. So, we get situated, and between Heather and kids, and me with the kids, we take up almost the whole row (just to give you an idea of when I say small theater). Then, Heather says "I hope my baby behaves". I then respond "I hope my baby does okay".
And, we're off. The movie starts. Charly is super excited. Kenna's still not sure what's going on, but the big screen and loud sounds definitely have her attention. Woo Hoo! This is fabulous! Well, about 3/4 of the way through the movie, Kenna realizes that she can get off of her seat. So, back and forth between Charly and I she starts. Then, she sees there are people in front of us. Uh Oh! What is she thinking? What is she going to do? Well, she just watches them, and decides she's having more fun going from Charly's seat, to my lap. Finally, the movie ends, and overall it was a success with Kenna's first movie. And, the movie was very cute! We love Mater though, so it was a success to the Feightner gals. On the way out, I did apologize to the guys cleaning the theater. It appeared as though a popcorn bomb went off under Kenna's seat.
So, on the road we go. The girls are definitely tired at this point. We are on the road, maybe 5 minutes, and Kenna's out. Woo Hoo! Then, before I get to the interstate, Charly's out! Woo Hoo. Quiet car ride home...this is great. THEN, we get into Kentucky, and about 5 minutes later, traffic comes to a screeching halt. OMG! I turn to the radio to find out there is a 5 car pile up one exit before mine, and it has the interstate shut down. I'm right by the on I decide to do what others are doing, and I head down the on ramp, to a side street.  And, take the back roads to get home. So, now at this point a one hour car ride, has turned into an almost hour and a half car ride. That's when Kenna wakes up. She wants out of her seat, and now. She's thirsty. She's hungry, and I have only a chocolate chip cookie. I give it to her, and she's quiet. Then, the cookie that seemed so big at the time, now seems so tiny. Why didn't I have more???
Now, we're home 30 minutes later, but it seemed like it took 4 hours to get home, when in reality it was only 2 hours. Screaming kids in a car, will definitely do that to you!
Overall, the trip was a success. The girls did not fight in the car, to the theater, at the theater, or on the way home. And, about 15 minutes after we got home, my Mom called and said she was coming to get Charly for the evening. So, there was also no fighting the rest of the evening. What a great way to end a great day!!

Oops, she did it again...

Well, Charly's been playing with that dang tooth for days. And, yesterday, while she was in the shower, it came out.
Yesterday started as a typical day. Kenna and I woke up about an hour before usual. Then, Charly came into the toy room and shortly thereafter, the girls started fighting. YAY! Good start to the day. :) So, I let Charly get on the computer for a little to try to alleviate the worked. Then, I noticed the time. If I'm going to get the girls out of this house, we need to get ready. "Charly," I yell, "You need to get in the shower". So, after she stomps from the computer to the bathroom, she jumps in the shower.
Finally, we are actually gonna get outta this house today, and before 1pm. WOO HOO! Suddenly, five or so minutes into my quiet, I mean her shower, she starts screaming "Moooooommmmmm! Mom! Mom!" I'm thinking the water was too hot and was burning her. So, I go flying into the bathroom. As soon as I fling open the door,  Charly squeals, with extreme happiness, "I FINALLY lost that tooth! Phew! No more tooth flopping around when I'm eating". That girl is funny!
 Well, my parents took Charly for the night, so she had to make sure she took her tooth with her. I called her this morning, and apparently, since the tooth fairy found her at my parents house, she got $4.00! That's her normal $2, plus an extra $2, for fun. She is making out with this tooth losing business. She told me that she can't wait for all her teeth to fall out so she can go shopping! She is so funny!
Well, the moment you've all been waiting is her toothless grin.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My girls are cats and dogs!

At least that's how they are fighting!! You'd think with them being almost 5 years apart in age, they would get along pretty good, right? WRONG! Okay, okay, most of the time they get along pretty good. I know they love each other, and are sweet to each other, but WHY do they have to fight so terribly. And, neither one is better than the other. They are both instigators. This is how my morning went down. Kenna woke up nice and early; I'm guessing this is becoming her new wake up time, as it's been 2 days in a row. So, Kenna and I come into the toy room to play and hang out, while Charly is still sleeping. Charly finally gets up at 930 (her usual time) and by 1030, the screaming, monkey howls and alligator tears have started. And, why, you ask? The same reason every day, just because! ARGH!!!! So, I have my usual reaction, when the girls start fighting. I respond, "GIRLS!". Then, it stops for a minute.
Phew, quiet...thank goodness that worked. Well, I spoke to soon. The hollers and tears starts again,  a few minutes later. Charly was trying to lay Kenna down and cover her up, and Kenna didn't want that, so she kicked the cover off of her, in the process kicking Charly in the chest. Obviously that starts the tears. So, I have yet another usual conversation "Charly, if you didn't try to make Kenna do what she doesn't want to, and you don't get in her space, she can't hurt you. And, Kenna, don't kick your sister!" Try making an 18 month old understand. Try making a 6 year old understand. I swear I'm talking to a brick wall!! The greatest thing ever though, is that 2 seconds after fighting like cats and dogs, they are back to being the loving sisters I adore and love so much! This sounds EXACTLY like my sister and I growing up.And, if they anything like my sister and I, they will grow up fighting, but ending up being the best of friends.
So, although the day was like the zoo,  filled with lots of cat and dog fighting, monkey howls, and alligator tears, it was also a great day. Charly read to Kenna. They played together. They watched television together. And, most importantly they loved on each other. But, the fighting has been most of the day, today, so I'm hoping we can get out of the house tomorrow (if the rain is done). Hopefully, that will stop some of the fighting. Thank goodness it's almost bed time. :)
Charly and Kenna in a loving moment together. <3

Now, I understand how crazy we must have driven our parents. I love and respect you so much more, Mom and Dad, now that I am raising daughters of my own. Thank you for putting up with us! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Doctors, Grocery, Dinner, O my!

Well, this morning started nice and early; well, nice and early for us Feightner girls, on summer break. I had to set the alarm for 8am, after a long night of not being able to sleep, combined with tossing and turning all night because baby girl is moving around. Anyhow, I get up and ready. Then, it's time to turn to the sleeping bear cubs, known as my girls. Kenna woke up pretty easily. Charly growled and roared for a few minutes, but after Kenna discovered where Charly was, she woke up pretty quickly.
So, we get to my pre-natal appointment, right on time; 9:30am! per usual, they are NOT on time. We end up waiting 40 minutes to be seen for 5. Anyhow, the girls were really good in the waiting room, but as soon as we got into our own room, all HELL broke loose! Kenna started screaming like a wild child and wouldn't listen. She was obviously tired, and ready for her nap at this point. She was mad that Charly was touching her, so she flings herself off her chair, and starts running for me. She gets to me, and I pick her up, and she freaks out, because now I'm touching her. She's just not happy in her own skin! I apologize repeatedly to my doctor, thankfully she was very understanding. We listened to baby girl's heartbeat and off we went...thank goodness. I'm sure everyone in the waiting room heard Kenna imitation of a monkey howl. The original plan was to go to the grocery store immediately after the doctor's office, but after how poorly that ended, homeward bound we were.
We get home, and I get a little work done around the house (which you certainly can't tell anything was done, thanks to my lovely 18 month old, Kenna 'the monkey' Feightner. Finally after two failed attempts and many hours later, I get Kenna down for her nap. Well, apparently, her truly acting like a monkey, with the howls, screams, squeals, and climbing, she was exhausted. She slept for almost 3 hours. Ahhhh, three hours of peace and quiet. It was so quiet, I fell asleep on the couch. Apparently, her acting like a monkey not only wore her out, but myself as well.
Finally, she wakes up! To have a happy Kenna at the store, we make a mad dash to the grocery store. So, we're off and running. I've got my coupons in my binder. I've got my grocery list in hand, and I'm determined to make this a quick trip! HAHA! Who has EVER made a 'quick trip' to the grocery store with two kids in tow??? Anyhow, 2 hours later, and we are home.
 Phew!! That was relatively painless, except for the hole in my bank account. I planned out 2 weeks of dinners to help alleviate the 'what's for dinner' syndrome. This is NICE! So far it's working out well...I definitely need to do this more often! Anything to save time and energy is a friend of mine! So, I get home with 10 minutes to spare until hubby gets home. I get the groceries unpacked an put away, and meatballs on the stove! Meatball hoagies with french fries for dinner. YUM! Then, at the last minute, I decide Charly and I should make brownies for dinner. Now, I'm certainly no Betty Crocker, so I whip out my box of brownie mix, and to town Charly goes! She will certainly be the Betty Crocker of the family...she LOVES to bake. So, we get the brownies in the oven, dinnner on the table, and time to relax as a family. Ahhh, I love this time of day. And, the best part is knowing that a brownie square topped with Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream is for dessert!

Charly is so proud for making
the brownies by herself! 

Kenna just being cute,
and watching her sister!

Now, is my time to relax. Kenna is in bed, sleeping. Charly is chilling out in my bedroom, watching Phinneus and Ferb, and I'm enjoying the quiet. Phew!

Charly lost a tooth! Part "too"th

So, since Charly has been on summer vacation, I swear that child has not gotten up before 9am, unless it was absolutely necessary; and by necessary, I mean me shaking her awake because we had somewhere to be early. Anyhow, the morning after she plucked that beautiful tooth from her now gap filled smile, she was up at 815.  She came running to my room, flung open the door, and exclaimed "Mom!!! The tooth fairy brought me MONEY!!", ending with a squeal. The reason for Charly's extreme excitement is that the last 2 times the tooth fairy has shown up to collect the teeth, she's left Charly 8 quarters. Now, Charly is finished with Kindergarten, and she knows that 8 quarters = $2.00, but in her head, dollar bills are way more AWESOME!
Charly has a second wiggly tooth, the exact same tooth on the opposite side. And, since getting her $2 from the tooth fairy, she has decided to try to expedite the process of losing this tooth. She's wiggling that thing front and back, and now side to side...I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out tonight. Also, much to her enjoyment, she has discovered the adult tooth is coming through the gap in her teeth, from the current missing tooth, but it's also under the one beside it, so now, she's working on that tooth too! This child loves her money. I'm definitely expecting a visit from the tooth fairy in the next week.
When people say, money motivates, they aren't kidding.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Charly lost a tooth! Oh the excitement!

My husband, Brian, was already in bed, since he has to get up early, for work. I was on the couch watching some TV, but on the verge of falling asleep. Charly comes flying out of her room as fast as she could.
"Mom. Mom. MOM!!" she says.
"What hunny?", I responded.
"I lost a tooth!!", she said, with pure excitement.
Now, for anyone that knows my Charly, this is a huge event. The first two teeth lost ended up being a very traumatic experience for her, and she hated the thought of losing more. Well, she's had two wiggly teeth for a few weeks, so we knew the time was coming, when there would be some alligator tears and shreiks of pure terror. But, this time was completely different. She was supposed to be in bed sleeping, but instead was playing with a wiggly tooth.
Anyhow, so I hop up to see the beautiful tooth, she's just so excitedly plucked out of her mouth. She starts jumping up and down. So, I get her calmed down, and back in her room. She puts the tooth in the center of her pillow, just so it doesn't fall off the bed. Then, she proceeds to ask how in the world the tooth fairy can get it. I respond with "I dunno", and so then Charly's version of how it goes down has to be heard.
"Well" she starts. "The tooth fairy is obviously little. And, she flies into my room, quietly, and then moves my head to the side of the pillow, and flies under it, to grab the tooth".
Okay, so we're wrapping up the tooth fairy conversation, when with pure excitement she quietly (because she shares a room with her sister) exclaims "I'm so excited; I don't know if I will be able to sleep".
Ah, the joys of being a kid!

Happy Father's Day

Well, yesterday was Father's Day, and our plans were originally to go to Big Bone Lick State Park, and hang out (and have a picnic) with my parents, my sister and her husband, and my family. But, rain decided to rain on our day, so we decided to gather everyone at our house. Before everyone got there, though, we gave my husband his gifts. He got an X-Men comic book from Charly; a Wolverine comic book from Kenna; and a video of pictures from both girls. He loved his gifts! I am so happy! (A special thanks to Sonja B. Photography, for the video).
We picked up some KFC. Mom brought an Oreo cake, and we spent our time hanging out and having a great time. We all just hung out in our family room and played with the girls. They are at such fun ages (Charly is 6, and Kenna is 18 months). We got some fun pictures too. :) The rain finally decided to take a break, so we went outside, and got to play with sidewalk chalk and lawn darts. My Dad and Charly were one team, and my Mom and I were the other team. We won once, but Charly's team won twice. :) Then, the rain decided to come Charly decided it was time to dance and play in the rain. 
Charly dancing in the rain.
It ended up being a fabulous time!!! I was so happy, but so worn out. So, after everyone left, I took a much needed nap. :) How did you spend your Father's Day?

My sister and I with our Daddy!