Monday, June 20, 2011

Charly lost a tooth! Oh the excitement!

My husband, Brian, was already in bed, since he has to get up early, for work. I was on the couch watching some TV, but on the verge of falling asleep. Charly comes flying out of her room as fast as she could.
"Mom. Mom. MOM!!" she says.
"What hunny?", I responded.
"I lost a tooth!!", she said, with pure excitement.
Now, for anyone that knows my Charly, this is a huge event. The first two teeth lost ended up being a very traumatic experience for her, and she hated the thought of losing more. Well, she's had two wiggly teeth for a few weeks, so we knew the time was coming, when there would be some alligator tears and shreiks of pure terror. But, this time was completely different. She was supposed to be in bed sleeping, but instead was playing with a wiggly tooth.
Anyhow, so I hop up to see the beautiful tooth, she's just so excitedly plucked out of her mouth. She starts jumping up and down. So, I get her calmed down, and back in her room. She puts the tooth in the center of her pillow, just so it doesn't fall off the bed. Then, she proceeds to ask how in the world the tooth fairy can get it. I respond with "I dunno", and so then Charly's version of how it goes down has to be heard.
"Well" she starts. "The tooth fairy is obviously little. And, she flies into my room, quietly, and then moves my head to the side of the pillow, and flies under it, to grab the tooth".
Okay, so we're wrapping up the tooth fairy conversation, when with pure excitement she quietly (because she shares a room with her sister) exclaims "I'm so excited; I don't know if I will be able to sleep".
Ah, the joys of being a kid!

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