Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Doctors, Grocery, Dinner, O my!

Well, this morning started nice and early; well, nice and early for us Feightner girls, on summer break. I had to set the alarm for 8am, after a long night of not being able to sleep, combined with tossing and turning all night because baby girl is moving around. Anyhow, I get up and ready. Then, it's time to turn to the sleeping bear cubs, known as my girls. Kenna woke up pretty easily. Charly growled and roared for a few minutes, but after Kenna discovered where Charly was, she woke up pretty quickly.
So, we get to my pre-natal appointment, right on time; 9:30am! per usual, they are NOT on time. We end up waiting 40 minutes to be seen for 5. Anyhow, the girls were really good in the waiting room, but as soon as we got into our own room, all HELL broke loose! Kenna started screaming like a wild child and wouldn't listen. She was obviously tired, and ready for her nap at this point. She was mad that Charly was touching her, so she flings herself off her chair, and starts running for me. She gets to me, and I pick her up, and she freaks out, because now I'm touching her. She's just not happy in her own skin! I apologize repeatedly to my doctor, thankfully she was very understanding. We listened to baby girl's heartbeat and off we went...thank goodness. I'm sure everyone in the waiting room heard Kenna imitation of a monkey howl. The original plan was to go to the grocery store immediately after the doctor's office, but after how poorly that ended, homeward bound we were.
We get home, and I get a little work done around the house (which you certainly can't tell anything was done, thanks to my lovely 18 month old, Kenna 'the monkey' Feightner. Finally after two failed attempts and many hours later, I get Kenna down for her nap. Well, apparently, her truly acting like a monkey, with the howls, screams, squeals, and climbing, she was exhausted. She slept for almost 3 hours. Ahhhh, three hours of peace and quiet. It was so quiet, I fell asleep on the couch. Apparently, her acting like a monkey not only wore her out, but myself as well.
Finally, she wakes up! To have a happy Kenna at the store, we make a mad dash to the grocery store. So, we're off and running. I've got my coupons in my binder. I've got my grocery list in hand, and I'm determined to make this a quick trip! HAHA! Who has EVER made a 'quick trip' to the grocery store with two kids in tow??? Anyhow, 2 hours later, and we are home.
 Phew!! That was relatively painless, except for the hole in my bank account. I planned out 2 weeks of dinners to help alleviate the 'what's for dinner' syndrome. This is NICE! So far it's working out well...I definitely need to do this more often! Anything to save time and energy is a friend of mine! So, I get home with 10 minutes to spare until hubby gets home. I get the groceries unpacked an put away, and meatballs on the stove! Meatball hoagies with french fries for dinner. YUM! Then, at the last minute, I decide Charly and I should make brownies for dinner. Now, I'm certainly no Betty Crocker, so I whip out my box of brownie mix, and to town Charly goes! She will certainly be the Betty Crocker of the family...she LOVES to bake. So, we get the brownies in the oven, dinnner on the table, and time to relax as a family. Ahhh, I love this time of day. And, the best part is knowing that a brownie square topped with Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream is for dessert!

Charly is so proud for making
the brownies by herself! 

Kenna just being cute,
and watching her sister!

Now, is my time to relax. Kenna is in bed, sleeping. Charly is chilling out in my bedroom, watching Phinneus and Ferb, and I'm enjoying the quiet. Phew!

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