Phew! It's been a whirlwind couple of months. I am so far behind on my blogging. So much has happened since my last post, in July.
Where to start...
Charly started 1st grade! She was so excited because she found out over the summer that her Kindergarten teacher was now going to be her 1st grade teacher. :) We just adore her teacher, too, which certainly makes it a LOT easier on us. :)
Charly's 1st day of 1st Grade! |
I turned 31. A few weeks later, my 3rd daughter, Daphne Elizabeth, was born on October 29, 2011. I was induced at 8am, on October 28th. I had 2 easy labors prior to her, so I thought she'd be an easy labor as well...err! I was so wrong. Well, okay, I was right, but it was a LOT of waiting. She had been low for the last 4 weeks, and then on the day of her induction, she took flight, and was way high! The doctor actually thought at one point, that she had turned, and was breech. She wasn't...just high. So, we spent ALL day and night waiting for her to lower herself, so we could get this labor on the road. That night, they said they'd try one more time, and if nothing happened they were going to stop the pitocin, and start in the morning. So, my Mom and Sister left. Well, apparently it started working, b/c at 340am, I sent my mom and sister a text saying "They just broke my water. I'll call when things start progressing." I called my Mom 10 minutes later in MAJOR pain, screaming "the baby's coming. HURRY!" She was born at 3:58am. She was 7lbs. 6 ozs., 19 inches long, and 4 pushes. My Mom and sister got to the hospital 30 minutes later. Sadly, they missed her birth...they waited all day with me, and when they went home things really got moving. But, she's here now, and we couldn't be happier!!!
Welcome, baby Daphne! |
| Three weeks and one day later (November 20th), Kenna turned 2. We had a Mickey Mouse themed birthday party, since she just adores Mickey and Friends! She is becoming quite the little ham!
My Kenna! |
For Christmas, we drove to Orlando, to spend the week with my in-laws! I know what you're thinking. You are thinking we're crazy driving to Florida, from Kentucky, with a 6 year old, 2 year old, and 8 week old. But, my parents were kind enough to get 2 headrest DVD players, so the big girls had movies to watch the whole way there. And, everyone did amazing. The first night we stopped in Atlanta. On the way back we stopped in Knoxville. We had a fabulous time! We took Charly and Kenna to Disney World, while Daphne got to spend some much needed time with her Nana. We just HAD to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse. When we walked around the corner to them, and Kenna saw them, she just started waving, and clapping. She was so excited to meet them! She was in heaven, when Minnie gave her kisses!
The infamous castle picture. :) |
The family meeting Mickey & Minnie |
OK...moving on. The new year came! YAY to 2012!! My husband turned 35, on Friday the 13th (of January). My husband had to work, so I decided that I was going to make a trek back to Pennsylvania (where I grew up) to go to my Grandparents 50th anniversary party (my Mom's parents). When we got to our destination, I found out that my Grandpa (Dad's father) had unexpectedly passed away. He was 89. It was one of the saddest days of my life! So, now, I was not only in PA for a celebration of 50 years spent together, I was also there for the loss of my Grandpa. It was a hard day! My Pap (as we all referred to him) will forever be in our hearts. RIP Grant R. Derrick.
After coming home from Pennsylvania, I had less than one week to get ready for Charly's 7th birthday! We had a cupcake themed party (since she's just so sweet!), so we decided to have the girls decorate their own aprons! We held the party at Michael's craft store, in their Party Room! It was so much fun watching the girls! They had an absolute blast!! I can't believe my 1st baby is now 7 years old! Where have the last 6 years gone!?!?! Happy Birthday, Charly Reanna! January 26th!
My Charly! |
The decorations! |
We are almost caught up!! Two weeks later was my brother in law's birthday (Feb. 6th)! We celebrated by going to Cracker Barrel for dinner. YUM! Happy Birthday, Daniel!! Two weeks after that, brings us to last night (Feb. 18th). We had a dinner to celebrate my Mom's 50th birthday! A great time was had by all. It was my Mom, and her 14 most favorite people. :) Glad to see I made the list...LOL! Anyhow, after dinner we all decided to go back to their house to continue the celebration. Little did my Mom know, my sister and I went over to their house earlier, when they were out, and decorated for a surprise party. :) My Dad ho-hummed, and had to make a stop, to give us a chance to all get to the house before them. :)We were all set up, and when they got there, ta-da...a party. :) She was so excited! It was a fabulous night!! Happy 50th birthday, Mama!
A picture wall, of my Mom through the years! |
Her cake! |
The centerpiece...candy from the 60s! |
And, then, there's today! We were just recovering from partying. :) We did NOT drink, but I had two (Charly and Kenna) very wound up little girls, that didn't go to sleep until after midnight. So, they slept in until almost 1030. Daphne, too! She was obviously a sleepy girl too. Well, when she woke up, she did something fabulous. She rolled over!!! What a big girl! 15 weeks old, and she's on a mission to get moving! She's just like her big sisters...go go go! Boy, am I in some serious trouble when she gets moving!
Daphne <3 | we're current. :) Thanks for making it this far...and hopefully I don't slack off so much anymore. I'll see you all again, soon. :) Goodnight! Sleep tight!!