Kenna has a marker obsession. I think she really only has this obsession for the fact that everything she writes on has her stamp of approval on it. Friday evening, she drew on her bean bag chair, her sister's bean bag chair, herself, and the kitchen table. Luckily she got hold of a dry erase marker, so it came off of everything fairly easily. Then, I get to the bean bag chair. I think, I'll wash Charly's first, since Kenna will probably draw all over hers again anyhow. We'll start with the one that didn't do it. I'm thinking that when I undo the zipper of the bean bag chair, that the 'beans' will be a mesh case, like a pillow case or something. NOPE! They are completely loose! So, here I am, in the laundry room, trying to get creative with containing the beans. I think to myself, 'I'll put them in a garbage bag. This should be easy!' WRONG! Oh my goodness...what a freakin' nightmare! I finally get one garbage bag filled, and gave up. There were SO many loose beans all over the floor. Every time I moved the bean bag, it would send 10 more beans whisking across the floor. It looks like we're having a white Christmas, in our house! There are beans everywhere!! I still have to figure out what to do with the rest of the beans, so I can get this dang bean bag chair washed! Oh, a box! I have a big box! Finally!! I get them all dumped in the box, and the chair washed! Thankfully, all the work and wave of snowy white beans is not for nothing, because ALL of the marker marks came out!
Now, onto the child! Kenna is covered in marker! And, she's so proud of it. She proudly marched out into the living room to show off her marker. She was so excited to get a picture of all the marks. Geez! So, I get her in the tub. After multiple scrubbing attempts, we get the marker off her leg and arm, but it is NOT coming off of her face. Dry erase marker is not easy to get off of skin! So, my poor kiddo spends the next 12 hours with a marker face, until we do bath time again, on Saturday! Thankfully, it came off! So, when we were in public on Saturday, it didn't look like my child was a football player. :)
On Saturday, I took the 3 girls (Charly, Kenna and Daphne) to the movies. We also invited a friend of Charly's and my parents. We saw 'We Bought A Zoo'. We have a theater that plays second run movies, so you get the fun experience of going to the movies, without paying an arm and a leg. Thankfully, because, I like my arms and legs. :) It was a cute movie. However, it was not quite how I expected it to be, based on the previews. I expected a bit more kid friendly, though it was fine. I thought it'd be more about the animals and zoo factor, than their life...I dunno how to explain it. But, it was good! Charly and her friend enjoyed it. Kenna got bored and started running from one end of the isle to the other. Thankfully, she was being quiet, is shorter than the seats, and the theater wasn't packed. :)
Today, was a restful day. Okay, well except for me having to make a several hour trip to the grocery store, with Charly, and our coupon binder. But, it was fun! And, we are set on our meal planning adventures. :) Good times! I hope everyone else had an eventful weekend. :)
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