It's been a quiet couple of days.
So, let's talk coupons. :) I admit it. I'm a couponer. Definitely not an extreme couponer, but I do carry a binder around...LOL! I coupon very regularly, and it's so cute, because now when my girls want something, they'll ask if we have a coupon for that. :) Gotta start the money savings tips, while they're still young. Anyhow, a couple of friends and I have started a coupon club. We rotate through everyone's house. We meet once a week, and get the little ones together, while we're there, have lunch, chat, and cut coupons. :) I actually forgot my binder at a my friend's house, and drove over there to get it today (left it there yesterday), just so I could have my's our life line. Yes, it was worth it to get it...I have a shopping trip I need to make tomorrow! Anyhow, our get togethers are a lot of fun, even though we're getting together over little newspaper clippings. I must say, I love my coupon friends. :) Are you in any 'cool kids clubs'? My friend, Heather, and I were talking about learning to knit. We were thinking about maybe starting a group to knit together. :) I'm so not crafty, so I need someone to tell me what to do, and then I can tweak it a bit from there.
However, I am happy to report, that I did have a crafty moment today. I took the girls to a ceramic painting place, and had them get crafty. I can't reveal what they made yet, because I don't have pictures to show off their awesomeness in all it's glory. But, when I pick them up next Thursday, you better believe there will be pictures. :)
A couple days ago my husband's car decided to 'go out'. He gets it to the mechanic, and he says "clogged converter, $1200" YIKES! We have put so much into the car, already (it's a 99 Honda CRV), so we decided to try to get rid of it. We called a salvage guy, and he made us an offer, but I told him I was going to also list it on Craigslist. Holy Batman! Within 5 minutes of listing the vehicle, we had probably 15 people call. I eventually marked the post, as PENDING, and was still getting offers and calls until 10pm last night. Then, while I was out, I got another 7 voicemails regarding the car, and 4 emails. It's been craziness. But, I'm happy to report the car has been sold! YAY! Now, we need to think about where to go from here...thankfully, he is using a company vehicle, until we decide which way to go. What a relief though!! :) Wonder what we'll get next!
5,000th Fan Giveaway!
11 years ago
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