Thursday, June 23, 2011

My girls are cats and dogs!

At least that's how they are fighting!! You'd think with them being almost 5 years apart in age, they would get along pretty good, right? WRONG! Okay, okay, most of the time they get along pretty good. I know they love each other, and are sweet to each other, but WHY do they have to fight so terribly. And, neither one is better than the other. They are both instigators. This is how my morning went down. Kenna woke up nice and early; I'm guessing this is becoming her new wake up time, as it's been 2 days in a row. So, Kenna and I come into the toy room to play and hang out, while Charly is still sleeping. Charly finally gets up at 930 (her usual time) and by 1030, the screaming, monkey howls and alligator tears have started. And, why, you ask? The same reason every day, just because! ARGH!!!! So, I have my usual reaction, when the girls start fighting. I respond, "GIRLS!". Then, it stops for a minute.
Phew, quiet...thank goodness that worked. Well, I spoke to soon. The hollers and tears starts again,  a few minutes later. Charly was trying to lay Kenna down and cover her up, and Kenna didn't want that, so she kicked the cover off of her, in the process kicking Charly in the chest. Obviously that starts the tears. So, I have yet another usual conversation "Charly, if you didn't try to make Kenna do what she doesn't want to, and you don't get in her space, she can't hurt you. And, Kenna, don't kick your sister!" Try making an 18 month old understand. Try making a 6 year old understand. I swear I'm talking to a brick wall!! The greatest thing ever though, is that 2 seconds after fighting like cats and dogs, they are back to being the loving sisters I adore and love so much! This sounds EXACTLY like my sister and I growing up.And, if they anything like my sister and I, they will grow up fighting, but ending up being the best of friends.
So, although the day was like the zoo,  filled with lots of cat and dog fighting, monkey howls, and alligator tears, it was also a great day. Charly read to Kenna. They played together. They watched television together. And, most importantly they loved on each other. But, the fighting has been most of the day, today, so I'm hoping we can get out of the house tomorrow (if the rain is done). Hopefully, that will stop some of the fighting. Thank goodness it's almost bed time. :)
Charly and Kenna in a loving moment together. <3

Now, I understand how crazy we must have driven our parents. I love and respect you so much more, Mom and Dad, now that I am raising daughters of my own. Thank you for putting up with us! :)

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