Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kenna did it!!!

Well, my little Kenna, is sometimes a wild child, but I wouldn't change her craziness for any amount of money. She is who she is and I love it.
Crazy Kenna
Anyhow, her first word was Daddy. Then, Nana. But, sometimes she calls her Nana, Nanny, which is also cute. Then, she FINALLY mastered Mom, Mommy, Mama, and of course, Sissy and Charly. Now, at this point, she had a name to recognize everybody, except for my Dad. He is Pappy or Pap to Charly. Kenna would point at him and say Daddy. She was trying to say Pappy, we think, but it always came out Daddy.
I've been trying and trying to get her to say Pappy. If I would ask her who Pappy was, she'd point to my Dad, but she just couldn't get the hang of the P.
Well, yesterday, she was looking at a photo, that my parents had done with Charly, when they took her to the Northwest last year, and she pointed at everyone calling them out; Sissy, Nanny, and Daddy.
I pointed back and said "Sissy, Nana, and Pappy". Then, I was trying to get her to watch my lips and kept saying "puh, puh, puh, Pappy". Then, that little stinker started imitating me, without the sound. So, I said "Come on, you can do this. Puh, puh, puh, Pappy".
And, at long last, SHE DID IT! She said "puh, puh, Pappy!". She was so excited, that she started squealing. So, I clapped, and she did it again. Now, when she says it to me, it sounds more like Boppy, but I know she's talking about my Dad, and not my Husband. :)
She is also my Sweet Baby Kenna

What a big girl she's becoming! And, what a proud Mama I am!

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